Berapakah kos untuk mendaftar Syarikat Sdn Bhd di Malaysia?
Bayaran pendaftaran sebanyak RM1,010 yang perlu dibayar kepada SSM Malaysia
Bayaran pendaftaran sebanyak RM1,010 yang perlu dibayar kepada SSM Malaysia
MyCard / Passport untuk pengesahan akaun MyCoID Surat kebenaran jika nama syarikat yang anda cadangkan mengandungi kata-kata terkawal atau tanda dagangan
Sekurang-kurangnya 1 pengarah yang menetap di Malaysia dan 1 pemegang saham. Pengarah dan pemegang saham boleh merupai orang yang sama. Pengarah haruslah: Berumur 18 tahun ke atas menetap di Malaysia tidak hilang kelayakan di bawah Seksyen 198 Akta Syarikat 2016
Anda boleh melangkau proses yang rumit dan melantik setiausaha syarikat yang sah untuk pendaftaran Syarikat Sdn Bhd atau melakukannya sendiri.
Warganegara Malaysia atau bukan Malaysia yang ingin menjalankan perniagaan PKS
Incorporation fee of RM1,010 payable to SSM Malaysia
MyCard / Passport for MyCoID account validation Authorization letter if your proposed company name contains controlled words or trademark
At least 1 director who resides in Malaysia and 1 shareholder. The director and shareholder can be the same person. The director should be: 18 years old and above residing in Malaysia not disqualified under Section 198 of Companies Act…
You can skip through the complicated process and get an authorized company secretary to help out with the registration of a Sdn Bhd Company or do it all by yourself.
Malaysian or non-Malaysian residents who want to run SME businesses
Based on the general guidelines by Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM), any person who continues to carry on any business after the period of registration has expired commits an offense and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding…
Renewal of Business Registration can be made for a period of one (1) year and not more than five (5) years.
No, it is not possible to renew the SSM business after 12 months. Business registrations that expire beyond 12 months will be categorized as expired and non-renewable. If you want to continue your business, you can sign up and register…
SSM business renewal can be done through the official website ezBiz, EzBiz Kiosk machines, Bank Simpanan National (BSN), and Bank Rakyat Malaysia (BKRM). The Malaysia Company Commission (SSM) reminds the customers and people to be careful of the existence of…